Teaching Guide | GARDER LE CAP Documentary

Because you matter too!
Mental health has never been a more relevant topic. I want us to take the time to talk to the people around us to see how they are doing. “How are you” should be a genuine question rather than a simple greeting.
The teaching guide for this documentary aims to create dialogue around the experiences of young people who provide support for a person living with a mental health issue.
Just like Joany, Dave and Marie, there are thousands of young people in Quebec who know someone who is living with a mental health issue. Their daily lives are both similar and different, as each person has their own history, challenges and coping mechanisms.
Although people are more open and compassionate today, these young people still experience the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Because stigma is the main barrier to seeking help, we must make sure to reach them where they are to break their isolation, regardless of whether that is in a school setting, at work or in everyday life.
It is important to recognize their needs and provide them with all the resources they need to live a fulfilled life and help them to stay on track.
Jean-Philippe Dion, CAP santé mentale spokesperson
Teaching Guide | GARDER LE CAP Documentary [Only in french]