Home > CAP vers l’entourage > Virtual exhibition | The request for help and its benefits

Virtual exhibition | The request for help and its benefits

Through art, humans express their thoughts, feelings, emotions. In this virtual exhibition, discover artistic creations highlighting the request for help and its benefits from the associations of the CAP santé mentale.


Using recycled materials, young people from the Enfance Jeunesse Program (summer camp 2022) created a castle. A significant metaphor of what La Boussole represents in their eyes. A protective place where they were able to receive good tools to help them overcome the challenges of their daily lives. Key words have been strategically placed on their fortress to ensure the best defense possible.

Artistic creation of La Boussole


This work was produced as part of a healing activity. Nine members, accompanied by a professional painter, produced a fake stained glass window. Each of the participants had to think about what the Association Le PAS represented and then paint it while ensuring continuity in the visual in order to make a whole!

This collective work has generated many impromptu visits from people circulating in front of our office. Dozens of curious and impressed visitors came to question and congratulate the work accomplished by members for their Association! This faux stained glass window hangs proudly on our wall and is still getting great reactions!

Artistic creation of Le PAS


This work was produced as part of the organization’s 25th anniversary. Each of the 90 participants painted, according to their emotion of the moment, a piece of the Mandala. The piece was assembled and everyone gathered in a semi-circle to see the final work while listening to the meaning of what everyone had just accomplished! The silence that reigned there, the calm and the energy felt made this unique moment a memory engraved forever in history and in the hearts of those present!

“The symbol of a mandala represents the evolution of the movement as an organization over the years, the evolution of each person through their own history, from a community gathered under a central point and openness towards greater consciousness. self. Each of the pieces demonstrates the universe of the Le PAS Association that exists thanks to each of the people who come to seek help for an inner journey.

Artistic creation of Le PAS


From despair… to hope

The first photo represents the state we were in when we learned that our son had a mental health disorder. Our ideas were dark and intertwined in an inextricable mess. The misunderstanding of this disease seemed dark and hopeless to us.


The second photo represents the family trio in which we evolve, the father, the mother and the child mentioned above. This image indicates that family ties are surrounded by a somewhat hazy halo that gives an impression of lightness because the future still seems uncertain to our eyes.


The third photo represents the flame which is a reassuring light. The professional presence of the Éclusier du Haut-Richelieu stakeholders allowed us to emerge and continue our journey cheerfully and with confidence in the future, which turns out to be bright.

Thanks to the Éclusier team,

Pierre Langelier

Artistic creation of Éclusier du Haut-Richelieu


Floral poetry

This floral bouquet represents our long journey with our loved one with a mental health problem. At first this plant had flower buds that were slow to bloom. Some showed signs of hatching while others showed a certain dryness.

Over time and with a lot of resilience and love, our bouquet has reached its full potential. Our journey was made possible thanks to the unwavering support we received from the members of the Éclusier du Haut-Richelieu. We are fully indebted to this organization, whose dedication and professionalism we constantly appreciate.

Because as Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry expresses it so well when speaking of his flower which he takes care of on his little planet: the important things in life are those that we feel either love, kindness, generosity and friendship because:

“The essential is invisible to the eyes, we only see well with the heart”

Claire Lemieux

Artistic creation of Éclusier du Haut-Richelieu


My face on a canvas

 By Marjolaine Arsenault

 By Robert Leblanc

 By Guylaine Bourgault

 By Sylvie Paris

 By Nathalie Gaumond

 By Laurie Sirois

As part of creative workshops offered by L’Ancre under the theme “My face on a canvas”, loved ones discovered another form of healing and the benefits of artistic expression. These works, produced in 2016, took shape in two stages. The first for making a mask modeled on the faces of the participants helping each other to apply the paste intended for the mould. In a second step, the participants were invited to integrate their mask and a significant object on a canvas, to apply acrylic paint to it using colors and patterns of their choice and representing their emotions.

Artistic creation of L’Ancre


Stone painting

As part of a stone painting activity, several members of Centre communautaire l’Éclaircie expressed their feelings through art.

Artistic creation of L’Éclaircie


Contribute to our virtual exhibition! Send us your creations related to the benefits of the aid request to the following email address: [email protected]